La semana pasada todas las noticias estaban centradas en Epic Games y Apple, ya que ésta última retiró Fortnite de la App Store. Y la cosa no terminó ahí, ya que aunque Epic le declarara la guerra a Apple, la compañía anunció que eliminará todas las apps de Epic Games disponibles para iOS; aunque poco importaba eso, Epic Games contratacó con la Free Fortnite Cup. Todo ello en mitad de Google, que también eliminó Fortnite de Play Store. 

Para Epic Games, que eliminen todas sus apps de Apple Store no le hace ninguna gracia y afirman que esto tendrá consecuencias muy graves en la compañía. Pero a Apple eso no le basta y comentan que los problemas se los han hecho ellos mismos y que todo se solucionaría si Epic eliminara todo esto y revirtiera su infracción.

"Los acuerdos de Epic con Apple expresan que si un desarrollador infringe las reglas de la tienda o las licencias en herramientas de desarrollo -las cuales se aplican del mismo modo a cualquier compañía- Apple dejará de trabajar con ese desarrollador. Los que trabajan para engañar a Apple, como hizo Epic, no tendrán cabida en App Store", afirma un escrito rellenado por Apple. 


Apple claims that Epic's problems are only Epic's and that it should not go to court to fix them.

Last week all the news was focused on Epic Games and Apple, as the latter removed Fortnite from the App Store. And it didn't end there, because even though Epic declared war on Apple, the company announced that it would remove all Epic Games apps available for iOS; while that didn't matter, Epic Games contracted with the Free Fortnite Cup. All this in the middle of Google, which also removed Fortnite from Play Store. 

For Epic Games, removing all of their apps from the Apple Store is not funny and they claim that this will have very serious consequences for the company. But that's not enough for Apple, and they say that the problems are their own doing and that everything would be solved if Epic removed all of this and reversed their infringement.

"Epic's agreements with Apple state that if a developer violates the store's rules or licenses on development tools - which apply equally to any company - Apple will stop working with that developer. Those who work to mislead Apple, as Epic did, will have no place in the App Store," states a letter filled out by Apple.